What will meeting with an investigator be like?

The investigator is in a neutral role, and is seeking to gather as much relevant information as possible. The investigator must act impartially and avoid prejudgment of the facts and bias.

The investigator will:

  • Contact you by phone or email to set up a meeting in person or via video call
  • Explain the purpose of the interview and confidentiality of the meeting
  • Take notes as you talk with them
  • Ask you how you know the party or parties involved
  • Ask what you observed or heard and allow you the opportunity to share what you know
  • Ask follow-up questions to better understand what you’ve shared
  • Ask for any information or documentation that you might have such as texts, screenshots, emails, photos, etc. that could help them better understand the situation
  • End the meeting with you by asking you if there is anything you would like to share, such as information the investigator didn’t ask about but that you feel is important for them to know
  • Remind you that witnesses are protected from retaliation, and the ECR resources and support are available to you at any time